From Planet Wolf Illustration Scene

From Planet Wolf Illustrations

These illustrations were done for the songwriting and production duo From Planet Wolf. At the beginning of 2021, I was hired to design a custom logo for their group, a project that I thoroughly enjoyed. A few months later, they asked me to create two wolf illustrations that represented the anthropomophized versions of themselves, to be featured on their website.

Although the wolves are part of a pack, there are small details that set them apart from each other. No1’s wolf (left) is an experienced leader who always keeps his cool, much like his human counterpart. Rex’s wolf (right) exudes energy and attitude, and the real-life version of her is not afraid to show her wild side! Each of them have lots of character, and it was fun for me to think about what details I wanted to add to portray that. It was important that the wolves’ personalities be depicted somewhat realistically, so I studied photographs of wolves in the wild so I could more accurately mimic their facial expressions in my drawings. Before finishing the final illustrations, I did many drafts and revisions, a few of which can be viewed above.